(...without Lindsay next to me to share the experience, I felt somewhat less- than- carried- away...),
...somewhat less-than-able to let myself go and flow with the ecstasies dangled in front of me, just outside my reach.
When the KWS set was over, I determined to FIND LINDSAY. I finally located him back by the sound board, talking to Randy. I made my way back to them, inquiring what they wanted to do for the next set. To my surprise and delight, Lindsay said pretty much the ENTIRE ROW in the section he'd been sitting in was vacant. We made our way to the 9th row and sat down with authority. I was as close as I'd ever dreamed of being (short of Front Row, ya know?) The sun was fading when Steve- Vai- tookthestage- and- began-to-work- his- guitartheatremagic- ohhhhhhh
I was worried I might not enjoy Steve Vai's set, because I hadn't warmed right away to his music on the G3 cd. I thought I might become impatient having to "sit through" SV while waiting to see Joe. I didn't want to feel this way about a talented guitarist like SV but I was prepared for this possibility. I'm extra happy to report I could NOT have been *MORE* WRONG. I was ASTOUNDED, AMAZED, THRILLED, and TAKEN AWAY. I *Adored* Steve's performance. He was SPECTACULAR (and we were close enough to see his eyes ... ohhhhh)
There was one tense moment between sets ... (next pg)
Page 4 ... : ... Intermission (anecdote) Page 2 ... : ... KWS Band... Page 1 ... : ... Intro... ...Fripp... Front Door ... : ... Contents... ...Dragon... ...What's Cookin'... My Comments on | Merry Axemas | cd ... : ... project headed by Steve Vai... ...Steve plays "Christmastime is Here"... ...various guitarists, original arrangements of traditional Xmas music... ...Joy and Light... |